West Shore

Global Methodist Church Plant


WEst Shore of harrisburg pennsylvania

Why plant a new church?

There is a great need for churches to be planted. Each year in our country 4,500 churches close; and only 3,000 are started. Pew Research also tells us that only 31% of people attended a religious service once or twice a month. Individuals and families are hurting socially, economically, and spiritually. The West Shore of Harrisburg is in need of a Wesleyan Orthodox expression of faith found in a Global Methodist Church.

 Planting Trees by Farmers by Hand

Who is Planting?

My name is Rev. Dr. Les Towsey. I am a certified church planter for the Global Methodist Church, with over 23 years of experience of being a lead pastor. My BA is in Christian Ministries from Messiah University, my MDiv is from Asbury Theological Seminary, and my DMin is from Wesley Seminary with a focus on Leadership Excellence.

I am seeking to plant a Global Methodist church with your help and support. Myself and others have felt God’s call.

Are you feeling this call to be part of this new church plant?

Pastel Blue Square Blob

Worship is held at 9:15 am Sundays.

Services are held at the

Wormleysburg Church of God District office

113 S 2nd St, Wormleysburg, PA 17043

Grayscale Photo of People Raising Their Hands


PRAYER - Please pray for our church plant

GIVING - Make a donation, this can be done on Sundays

JOIN - We need people to join the Launch Team

WORSHIP - Join us for Sunday worship

LAUNCH - We will hopefully launch in 2 to 4 months

SHARE - Please tell others about our church plant

CONNECT - Contact us with any questions, this site will update with current information


(223) 240-2748

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